Holidays & Special Dates
On holidays when the department is closed, collection is delayed by one day for the rest of the week.
Closed on: Memorial Day
Labor Day
Independence Day (celebrated)
New Years Day
The City of Norwalk does not have a landfill. The Sanitation Department transports all refuse to the Huron County Transfer Station, 2415 Townline Road 131, Willard, Ohio 44890, (419) 744-2413. Please contact them directly for information on public use of the transfer station.
2025 Special Collection Dates
Compost Pile Open April 4th through November 30th ~ Fri., Sat., Sun., 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Limited Spring Trash Pickup week of April 7th, regular trash day
Spring Brush Pickup week of May 5th, regular trash day
Curbside Yard Waste Pickup May 5th through week of October 20th, regular trash day
Fall Brush Pickup week of October 20th, regular trash day
Limited Fall Trash Pickup week of October 27th, regular trash day

Trash Collection
Contact the Sanitation Department at 419-668-7122 to determine the collection day for your address.
• Trash is picked up once a week. Click here to view a City map detailing the schedule.
• Residents are permitted to place up to 3 cans or bags of trash per household at the curb.
• Cans or bags must not exceed 33 gallons in size and cannot weigh more than 40 pounds each.
• Trash must not be placed at the curb before 4:00 pm the night before pickup. CANS MUST BE CURBSIDE BY 7:30AM THE DAY OF PICKUP
• Trash cans must be removed from the curb by 6:00 am the day following your trash pickup.
Large items or extra bags of trash can be picked up for an additional cost. A large item (for example, couch, oversize bag, television) costs $10. Extra bags cost $3 each. Residents must purchase a sticker for each item and place it on the item prior to setting it out for pickup. Stickers are available at the Utility Billing Window at City Hall, 38 Whittlesey Avenue, during normal business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Recycling Collection
Unlimited recycling is picked up at curbside on your normal trash day.
• Yellow recycling tags, available at City Hall and numerous stores throughout town, must be placed on bags of recyclables.
• All recyclables, including steel and aluminum cans, glass bottles, #1 thru #7 plastics, and paper, should be placed in tagged garbage bags for recycling.
• Large amounts of cardboard can be flattened and tied to prevent the items from blowing into neighboring properties.

Yard Waste Collection
The Sanitation Department picks up yard waste at curbside on your normal trash day (SEE DATES ABOVE).
• Residents are allowed two cans or two bundles of yard waste per dwelling.
• Cans must not be more than 33 gallons in size and cannot weigh more than 40 pounds each.
• Yard waste placed in garbage bags or cardboard boxes will not be collected.
• Cans must be clearly marked YARD WASTE.
• Bundles must be tied, less than 4 feet in length, and weigh less than 40 pounds.
Bi-Annual City-Wide Brush Pick-Ups
Bi-annual city-wide brush pick-ups are held in the spring and fall for residents living on streets dedicated to the city.
• Brush must be placed on curb on regular trash pick-up day.
• Entire large trees or bushes will not be picked up.
• Brush must be stacked neatly with no roots, stumps, or soil attached.
• Branches are to be no longer than 6 feet.
• If you have a narrow boulevard, you may place brush neatly on the back side of the sidewalk.
• No more than one pickup truck load will be collected from a residence.
• Brush will only be collected once. No return trips will be made.

yard Waste Facility
The City Yard waste Facility is located on Austin Shadle Road, behind Baines Park. The facility provides residents with a place to drop off yard waste which includes brush, leaves and grass at no charge. When available, residents may pick up leaf mulch at no charge.
The facility operates on a seasonal schedule. The hours of operation are Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (See dates above)
The facility is for Norwalk residential use only. Proof of residency is required.
Spring & Fall Trash Pick-Up
Households are allowed to set out three large items or nine extra trash bags (no larger than 33 gallons each) for pickup at no additional charge on their normal trash day during this week. (see dates above) One large item is equal to three bags, so residents may set out one item and six bags, or any equivalent combination.
The pickup will be limited to household items only, such as mattresses, couches, or tvs. This does not include construction or remodeling debris (carpet, lumber, drywall, etc.). Items with freon can only be collected if properly tagged that the freon has been removed.

Miscellaneous Information
Wet Paint can't be placed in the trash. Dry the can out with kitty litter or sand before disposal.
Dry cell batteries are safe to place in your regular trash.
Needles and other sharps must be placed in a safe container before being placed in the trash. Any puncture resistant container can be used. Acceptable containers include:
• wide mouth sports bottles • plastic coffee containers • plastic laundry or bleach bottles • plastic milk jugs